
Типовой образец обращения к парламентариям стран США и Европы


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Вы, как налогоплательщики этих стран имеете право обратиться в парламент вашего государство, которое оказывает финансовую помощь властям Таджикистана.

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May 16, 2022

Dear [insert representative or Congress name here],

I’m your constituent, an Indigenous Pamiri from Tajikistan. Beyond being Indigenous, Pamiris are ethic, religious, and linguistic minorities who have faced systemic oppression that has escalated since November 2021. I write you to ask for your help in raising awareness of these issues and extending the US government’s dedication to democracy to our foreign policy and positioning in Tajikistan. As of May 16, 2022, the Tajik government has surrounded the capital city of Pamiris, Khorugh, shot unarmed, peaceful protestors, and shut down the internet. This is an escalation and continuation of the shooting of protestors and widespread retaliation of the Tajik government against peaceful, Pamiri protestors since November 2021. The US government has not only supplied weapons to the Tajik government, it has also been silent in the face of these violations of democratic principles and oppression of Indigenous minorities.

Since 1992, the United States has provided over $330 million in security sector assistance to Tajikistan. In 2020 alone, the U.S. security assistance to Tajikistan totaled $11.4 million, making the United States one of Tajikistan’s top donors. The US has committed over $60 million in security-sector assistance to Tajikistan to be implemented and delivered over the next two years.[i] In July 2015, the U.S. donated 87 vehicles worth $5.7 million to the security services, including the GKNB, DCA, Internal Affairs Ministry (IAM) and Border Guard Administration, for use in counter-narcotics.[ii] The GKNB and the IAM are persistently violating human rights through the widespread use of torture, deaths in custody and occasional extrajudicial executions. Civilians are subject to physical abuse by security forces and have no meaningful opportunity to seek justice for such violations.

A monthlong military operation carried out by state security forces in July 2012 in Khorugh resulted in the deaths of 22 civilians. It was the culmination of a continuous degradation of the terms of the 1997 negotiated peace and the Tajikistan Constitution to alienate the Pamiri minority population by the Government of Tajikistan.  Human rights violations during and after the attack[iii] were not adequately addressed by the authorities.[iv] The report by the US State Department’s Office of the Inspector General dated from March 2015 includes failures of the US Embassy in Tajikistan to provide credible reporting on military aid practices of the US Government in Tajikistan. The claims are based on US Embassy reports on the Government of Tajikistan investigations into civilian deaths during military operations in Khorugh and alleged human rights violations committed by Tajik armed forces. [v]

In light of the current and past events of human rights violations by the Tajik defense and law enforcement agencies, I would like your help in asking the Embassy in Tajikistan to prevent future escalation of the situation by voicing support for democratic processes, peaceful protests, and rights of citizens under Tajik national law. The European Union has voiced this support for Pamiris and called into question the Tajik government’s violent crackdowns both through their embassies and in public comments. I believe it aligns with US beliefs and foreign policy to also voice support instead of arming the Tajik government against minorities and peaceful protestors. I urge you to support the rights of Indigenous People and stand in support of the right of Pamiris to peacefully protest.

With gratitude-

[i] https://tj.usembassy.gov/us-tajikistan-security-assistance-fact-sheet-111921/

[ii] U.S. Embassy Donates 87 Vehicles to Tajikistans Counter-Narcotics Agencies”, press release, Dushanbe, 8 July 2015; Tajikistan Scenesetter for visit of General David Petraeus”, U.S. embassy Dushanbe cable, 19 October 2009, as made public by WikiLeaks.